
ā“ How do I participate in a giveaway? šŸ‘‰ Standard Giveaway: Press the "Enter Giveaway/Competition" button at the bottom of the message. You will get a confirmation at the top of your screen if your entry was accepted or declined. šŸ‘‰ Multi-Group Giveaway: First, join each required group that is outlined in the message. Then, press the "Enter Giveaway/Competition" button at the bottom of the message. Ensure you have joined all the required groups by looking for a check mark by your name on the original giveaway message. šŸ‘‰ Invite Competition: Press the "Enter Giveaway/Competition" button at the bottom of the message, then press START on GiveBot and your custom link will be created. Share this link everywhere you can, and when users join with your link, they will be counted as a new invite for you. šŸ‘‰ XP Competition: Communicate and stay active in the group. The more active you are, the more XP you will gain. The users with the most XP at the end of the competition will win.

ā“ How do i delete a giveaway? šŸ‘‰ Go to a DM with GiveBot and select 'My Giveaways' then select the giveaway you want to delete, press stop, then go to your stopped giveaways and press delete.

ā“ Can GiveBot detect fake invites for invite competitions? šŸ‘‰ Yes. We have protections in place for this, and the giveaway hosts can even choose how strict they want these settings to be.

ā“ How do I join a group with someone's invite link? šŸ‘‰ First, click the GiveBot link they sent you. This will take you to a DM with GiveBot. Then, click the START button at the bottom. This will generate a link that will allow you to join the group you were invited to.

ā“What should I do if the bot freezes and won't respond to my DM? šŸ‘‰ Use the /start command again. If the bot is still frozen after 3 attempts, contact our support team @GiveBotSupport

Last updated